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November 15, 2011, Salt Lake City
Landmark Joseph Smith Papers Project to Release Next Installment of Multivolume Series
Journals, Volume 1, the first volume of The Joseph Smith Papers, became an overnight bestseller. Now scholars, students of Latter-day Saint history, and casual learners alike can hear Joseph Smith’s voice in his own words and from the accounts of those closest to him. The much-anticipated Journals, Volume 2 (The Church Historian's Press, $54.95) will be available November 15 at Deseret Book and select other retailers.
Journals, Volume 2 delivers a candid look at key events such as the foundation of the Female Relief Society, the building of the temple in Nauvoo, Illinois, and teachings on the nature of God and baptisms for the dead. Three letters from Emma Smith are also included.
The volume covers the Nauvoo period of Joseph Smith’s life from December 1841 to April 30, 1843. Among the numerous notable entries included in the tome are revelations he received, letters both written and received, and the first two of four small books titled “President Joseph Smith’s Journal,” kept by Willard Richards during the last years of Joseph Smith’s life (the final two books will be published in the forthcoming third and final volume of the Journals series).
These journals provide rare insights about Joseph Smith’s personality and duties, including accounts of him functioning as mayor of Nauvoo, store operator, and general in the Nauvoo Legion.
The publication of The Joseph Smith Papers two centuries after the birth of the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opens a window on a life filled with what he called “marvelous experience”—and with opposition.
For one who had little formal schooling, Joseph Smith left an extensive legacy of letters and other written records. Now, the full collection of that documentary heritage is being made widely available.
The Joseph Smith Papers series is expected to span about twenty volumes in total. The Journals portion of the series will be three total volumes. Visit for more information about The Joseph Smith Papers: Journals, Volume 2 and other Joseph Smith Papers Project publications.