Appendix 5, Document 5. Blessing to Don Carlos Smith, 1 October 1835
Source Note
JS, Blessing, to , , Geauga, Co., OH, 1 Oct. 1835. Featured version copied 1 Oct. 1835 in Patriarchal Blessing Book 1, p. 11; handwriting of ; CHL. For more complete source information on Patriarchal Blessing Book 1, see the source note for Blessing from Joseph Smith Sr., 9 Dec. 1834.
Blessed of the Lord is brother , for the Lord my God delighteth in him: He shall be made a polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty unto the confounding of thousands and tens of thousands of mine enemies; and he shall never want a friend. He shall dream dreams and see visions, and the Spirit of the Lord shall dwell in him; and he shall be a chosen vessel of the Lord, for the spirit of prophecy shall be upon him: therefore, he shall never fail in his understanding, and by the help of his judgment he shall be as a choice in the house of the Lord. He shall also become a great lawyer, pertaining to the laws of God, and also pertaining to the laws of the land; for he shall have understanding in these things, and shall be called to stand in legislative bodies, and shall confront the errors of rulers and kings, to their face, and they shall reverence him because of the greatness of his understanding and his nobility of soul. He shall be taught of his God like unto Jacob in ancient days; for his God shall delight in him all the days of his life, which shall be many. It shall be his lot to stand among the nobles of the earth: and the burden of his influence, over the inhabitants of the earth, shall render him like unto an orchard in a fruitful season, as it is borne down with the abundance of fruit—so shall the weight of his influence be over the minds of those who know his name: for his name shall be magnified among men. Unto what shall I liken my brother ? I will liken him unto a mighty river that is continually running into the fountain of the great deep—so shall the blessings of his labors be, a fountain of righteousness because of the greatness of his soul. And he shall be blessed upon the mountains of with the fruit of the vine and with the fruit of the field, and shall be sustained with corn and oil, and his heart shall be sustained with the good things of the earth: with houses and with lands, with chariots and with horses, with mules and with asses, with camels and with swift beasts, at home upon the mountains of Zion, and also abroad: among foreign nations shall the power of his wealth extend, even to kingdoms afar off. All these things shall come upon him and his seed after him to the latest generation. He shall be filled with the good things of the earth. He shall have power over the wicked and escape the hands of his enemies; for he shall prevail against them: and he shall have his right to the holy . All these blessings shall come upon him and his seed after him; for they shall be numerous, and shall rise up and call him blessed. And in addition to these he shall have a diligent mind, even to persevere in the time of trouble, and prevail. He shall inherit a crown of eternal life. Amen.
A prayer— O God, let the residue of my ’s house, with the residue of those whom thou hast blessed, ever come up in remembrance before thee and stand virtuous and pure in thy presence, that thou mayest save them from the hand of the oppressor, and establish their feet upon the rock of ages, that they may have place in thy house and be saved in thy kingdom, even where God and Christ is: and let all these things be as I have said, for Christ’s sake. Amen.
, Clerk and Recorder.
Given in , Geauga County, Ohio, December 18th, 1833, and recorded in this book by me, October 1, 1835.