Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, Harry Brown Copy [D&C 20]
Source Note
“Articles and Covenants,” [, Seneca Co., NY, ca. Apr. 1830, though parts may have been received as early as ca. summer 1829]. Version copied [ca. 1834]; handwriting of ; docket in unidentified handwriting; six pages; Emma Smith Woodruff, Collection, CHL.
Shall manifest before the church and also before the Elders By a Godly walk and conversation that they are worthy of It there may be works and faith agreeable to the holy— Scriptures walking in holiness before the lord; Every Member of this church of christ having children Is to bring them unto the Elders before the church who are To lay their hands upon them in the name of the lord And bless them in the name of christ; there cannot be Any one received into this church of christ who has not Arrived to the years of accountability before god and Is not capable of repentance; and is to be Administered in the following manner unto all— Those who repent Whosoever being called of god and Having authority Given them of jesus Christ shall Go down into the water with them and shall say, Calling them by name; Having authority given me Of jesus Christ I baptise you in the name of the Father and of the son and of the holy Ghost; Amen. Then shall he immerse them in the water and come Forth again out of the water; And it is expedien[t] That the church meet together of[t] to partake of bread And wine in remembrance of the lord jesus; And the Elder, or priest, shall administer it and after this mannEr shall he doe he shall kneel with the church and Call upon the father in mighty prayer saying; O God the Eternal father we ask the[e] in the name of thy son jesus Christ to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all Those who partake of it that they may eat in remembraNce of the body of thy son; and witness unto the[e] O God t[he] Eternal father that they are willing to take upon them The name of thy son and, always remember him and keep His commandments which he hath given them that, they May always have his spirit to be with them. Amen; The manner of administering the wine; behold they Shall take the cup and say O God the eternal father We ask the[e] in the name of they son jesus Christ to bless And sanctif[y] this wine to the souls of those who drink of [it] [p. [5]]