According to a later source, Levi Hancock was absent when JS designated the Seventy; he received his ordination at a later time. Hancock’s own reminiscences place him in Kirtland in February 1835, but they do not mention his ordination. The record of his blessing, however, is different from the others in that it does not address Hancock directly but in the third person. (Young, History of the Organization of the Seventies, 4; Hancock, Autobiography, 149–150.)
Young, Joseph, Sr. History of the Organization of the Seventies: Names of First and Second Quorums. Items in Relation to the First Presidency of the Seventies. Also, a Brief Glance at Enoch and His City. Embellished with a Likeness of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and a View of the Kirtland Temple. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Steam Printing Establishment, 1878.
Hancock, Mosiah Lyman. "Autobiography of Levi Ward Hancock," ca. 1896. CHL. MS 570.