JS and others, Blessing, to , , Geauga Co., OH, 1 Mar. 1835. Featured version copied [not before 25 Feb. 1836] in Minute Book 1, p. 171; handwriting of ; CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Minute Book 1.
The Lord called you when you obeyed the Gospel and you are one of the Seventy. and he will receive nothing but all your time and talents. You are disposed to be a son of Thunder, but if you are not very faithful you will fall and another will take your crown. But if you are faithful, you shall over come all things, and if so in your old age this pleasing reflection shall be your greatest joy. You shall pass through a scene where you shall hear many cry Hosanna, Hosanna. because they heard the truth at your mouth. <Am[e]n> [p. 171]