Register’s Office, Certificate, to JS, Lexington, Lafayette Co., MO, 8 Sept. 1836; printed form with manuscript additions in unidentified handwriting; signature of Finis Ewing; Land Entry Case File 8667, Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington DC. Includes docket.
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, that in pursuance of law, Joseph Smith Jrofcounty[blank]has this day purchased of the Register of this office, theEast half of Northeast quarterof section No, twoof township No. Fifty six ([blank]) of range No. Twenty nine.containingSeventy three & 70/100acres, at the rate of $1 25 cents per acre, amounting in the whole to $ 92 13for which the saidJoseph Smith Jrhas made payment in full agreeably to law.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN, that on presentation of this certificate to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, the saidJoseph Smith Jrshall be entitled to receive a patent for the land above described.