, Charges against Preferred to and Nauvoo Legion, , Hancock Co., IL, 26 Dec. 1843; unidentified handwriting; endorsement in unidentified handwriting; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
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Dec, 26th 1843
To Brig. Gen. [Brigadier General] of the 2nd Cohort of the ,
I hereby prefer the following charge against Col[onel] of the 1st Reg[iment]. 2nd Cohort of the Nauvoo Leigion—
For neglecting & refuseing to do his duty and for calling an illegal Court to assess the fines in my Company.
1st, He neglected & refused & neglected to hear my excuse after a fine was assessed against me for neglect of duty, which the law required him to do, thereby causing me trouble and making me pay a fine of three dollars unjustly.
2nd He called a court of assesment Contrary to law after a legal court had been Called and adjourned without day
Capt, 2nd Company. 2nd Batl [Battalion], 1st Reg. 2nd Cohort of the Nauvoo Leigion [10 lines blank] [p. [1]]