A reference to the council’s chairman.
Phineas Young had recently moved to Nauvoo from Ohio, arriving with his family on 1 April 1845. (“Life of Phineas Howe Young,” [6].)
Young, Phineas Howe. “Life of Phineas Howe Young,” ca. 1857. Typescript, not after 1963. Phineas Howe Young, Papers, 1846–1898. CHL. MS 14458, fd. 16.
At blessing meetings on 7 and 8 March 1835 for individuals who had worked on or contributed to the construction of the House of the Lord in Kirtland, Ohio, Phineas Young was “ordained a missionary to the Lamanites.” Several other men received similar appointments at that time or shortly thereafter, including Phineas’s brothers Brigham and Lorenzo, his brother-in-law John P. Greene, and Amos Orton. Brigham Young, Greene, and Orton visited a Seneca reservation in May 1835, but there is no record of Phineas Young having yet preached to American Indians. (Minutes and Discourses, 7–8 Mar. 1835; Minutes, 12 Mar. 1835; John P. Greene, Freedom, NY, to Rhoda Young Greene, 24 May 1835, CHL.)
Greene, John P. Letter, Freedom, NY, to Rhoda Young Greene, 24 May 1835. CHL. MS 9871.