At a public meeting in Nauvoo five days later, Brigham Young expressed similar cautions regarding Latter-day Saints’ behavior and speech. He encouraged Latter-day Saints to prepare to receive their endowments when the Nauvoo temple was completed and urged them, “Keep in your poss[essi]on the noble Sp[irit] of Angels with a cheerful countenance— cease every thing that is iniquitous— I will counsel all persons who cannot live without quarrelling & backbiting to leave the city— let every man & Sis[ter] do all that justice requires of you— cease talking nonsense to one ano[the]r., walk humbly before God.” (Historian’s Office, General Church Minutes, 20 Apr. 1845.)
Historian’s Office. General Church Minutes, 1839–1877. CHL
Phineas Young was appointed a member of the Western Mission at the previous council meeting. (Council of Fifty, “Record,” 11 Apr. 1845.)