see the scriptures fullfilling as the prophets said. there are a great many things for these brethren to accomplish in their mission. is well acquainted with a number of the tribes and I have an idea that when these brethren visit those nations and find amongst them confidential men for the brethren to leave things in their charge to be brought about. Let there be some men left with them to council with them and communicate to us that we may know what is going on. These has set us off as a nation to ourselves and what does it prove to us. I just feel that we are a nation to ourselves and we have no concern with them. We have a kingdom established but they have rejected the kingdom and here is a nation standing ready to receive it and these are the men to carry the news to them, and I feel like urging it along. The gentiles have rejected the gospel. It has become a national affair. The Legislature has rejected it for they [p. [50]]