Decree, 21 October 1843 [Clayton v. E. W. Rhodes et al.]
Source Note
, Decree, [, Hancock Co., IL, 21 Oct. 1843], Clayton v. E. W. Rhodes et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court, in Chancery 1843); handwriting of ; signature of ; docket by , [, Hancock Co., IL, 21 Oct. 1843]; notation by , 21 Oct. 1843; notation by unidentified scribe, [ca. 21 Oct. 1843]; four pages; Hancock County Courthouse, Carthage, IL.
be forever barred of all right of Dower in the premises herein after described and set forth in said Bill or petition, third that the said defendant <Hugh Rhodes> as administrator of Erie Rhodes deceased within thirty <sixty> days execute and deliver <with covenants of > to the Complainant <his heirs and assigns> a good and sufficient deed of and to the said premises described in s Bill or petition, to wit, The North East quarter of Section Eight (8) in Township Six (6) North of Range Eight (8) West of the fourth principal meridian in the county of Illinois (except about thirty seven acres out of the South West corner of said quarter Section and bounded as follows: Commencing at the South West corner of said quarter Section; thence East eighty (80) rods; thence North Seventy four (74) rods; thence West eighty (80) rods; thence South seventy four (74) rods (74) to the place of beginning) containing one hundred and twenty nine and a half acres. Also twenty four (24) acres out of the South West corner of the North West quarter of Section nine (9) in Township in Township Six (6) North of Range eight (8) West of the fourth principal meridian in the County of and State of : fourth that the defendants pay the costs of this suit within thirty <Sixty> days and in default there [p. [2]]