Deed to George W. Bosley and Almira Bosley, 26 January 1844
Source Note
JS and , Deed for property in , Hancock Co., IL, to George W. Bosley and Almira Bosley, 26 Jan. 1844; signed by JS and ; witnessed by ; certified by . Version copied 9 June 1845 in Hancock Co., IL, Deed Records, vol. N, pp. 495–496; unidentified handwriting; Hancock County Recorder’s Office, Carthage, IL; microfilm at Family History Library.
Deed to George W. Bosley and Almira Bosley, 26 January 1844
Page [495]
<Smith to Bosley>
<Recorded June 9 1845>
This Indenture made and Entered into this Twenty Sixth day of January In the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and forty four between Joseph Smith and his wife <of the County of > And State of of the one part and George W. Bosley and Almira Bosley of the County of and aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the Said Joseph Smith and his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Five hundred dollars to them in hand paid the receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby grant bargain Sell convey and confirm unto the said George W. Bosley and Almira Bosley their heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situated and being in the county of in the State of In the South half of the South half of Lot Number Two in Block Number One hundred and One in the City of Together with all and Singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise [p. [495]]