Discourse, 10 March 1844, as Reported by James Burgess
Source Note
JS, Discourse, , Hancock Co., IL, 10 Mar. 1844; in copies of discourses, in James Burgess, Journal, Oct. 1841–Dec. 1848, pp. [19]–[24]; handwriting of ; CHL.
J[oseph] Smith P[rophet?] of the spirit of Elias I must go back to the time at susquahannah river when I retired in the woods pouring out my soul in prayr to Almighty God, An Angel came down from heaven and laid his hands upon me and ordained me to the power of Elias and that authorised me to babtise with water unto repentance, It is a power or a preparatory work for something greater, you have not power to lay on hands for the gift of the holy ghost but you shall have power given you hereafter, that is the power of the Aronick priesthood, this is the power which John the babtist was clothed with when he came bounding out of the wilderness saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is come unto you or is at hand, For there [p. [19]]