all are to be crammed into 1 God— it wod. make the biggest God in all the world— he is a wonderful big God— he would be a Giant I want to read the text to you myself— I am agreed with the Far. & the Far. is agreed with me & we are agreed as one— the Greek shews that it shod. be agreed— Far. I pray for them that thou hast given me out of the world &c &c that they may be agreed & all come to dwell in unity & in all the Glory & Everlasting burn[in]gs of God & then we shall see as we are seen & be as God— & be as the God of his Far.— I want to reason— I learned it by translating the papyrus now in my house— I learned a test. concerning Abraham & he reasoned concerng. the God of Heaven— in order to do that s[ai]d. he— suppose we have two facts that supposes that anor. fact may exist two men on the earth— one wiser that the other— wod. shew that anor. who is wiser than the wisest may exist— intelligences exist one above anor. that there is no end to it— if Abra[ham]: reasoned thus— if J. C was the Son of God & John discd. that God the Far. of J. C had a far. you may suppose that he had a Far. also— where was there ever a Son witht. a Far.— when ever did a tree or any thing spring into existence witht. a progenitor— & every thing comes in this way— Paul says that which is Earthyly is in likeness of that which is Heavenly— hence if J. had a Far. can we not believe that he had a Far. also— I despise the idea of being scared to death— I want you all to pay part[icu]lar attent[io]n. J. sd. as the Far. wrought precisely in the same way as his Far. had done bef[ore]— as the Far. had done bef— he laid down his life & took it up same as his Far. had done bef— he did as he was sent to lay down his life & take it up again— & was then committed unto him the keys &c I know it is good reasoning—— I have reason to think that the Church is being purged— I saw Satan fall from heaven— & the way they ran was a caution— all these are wonders & marvellous in our eyes in these last days— so long as men are under the law of God they have no fears, they do not scare themselves— I want to stick to my text to shew that when men open their lips— they do not injure me— but injure themselves— to the law & to the testimony— they are poured all over the Scrip [p. [3]]