Clayton, Journal, 17 May 1843; see also Hancock County Historical Society Historic Sites Committee, Historic Sites and Structures of Hancock County, Illinois, 130; and Macedonia Branch, Record, 13 Dec. 1840.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Historic Sites and Structures of Hancock County, Illinois. Carthage, Illinois: Hancock County Historical Society and the Hancock County Bicentennial Commission, 1979.
Macedonia Branch, Record / “A Record of the Chur[c]h of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in Macedonia (Also Called Ramus),” 1839–1850. CHL. LR 11808 21.
Samuel Prior, “A Visit to Nauvoo,” Times and Seasons, 15 May 1843, 4:197–198, italics in original; see also 2 Timothy 2:15; and Luke 12:42. According to the Times and Seasons account, Prior desired to observe Nauvoo firsthand to either verify or disprove the negative reports he had heard about the Saints. He described traveling “something over sixty miles” from his home before briefly stopping in Carthage, Illinois, where he met an old friend, a Latter-day Saint, who agreed to take him to Nauvoo after they briefly visited Macedonia. While in Macedonia, Prior was invited to preach in the afternoon of 17 May 1843, and JS gave a brief discourse that evening in response to Prior. Although little is known of Prior outside of the Times and Seasons article and William Clayton’s journal, the 1840 census reported that a Samuel Prior was living in Schuyler County, Illinois, sixty-three miles southeast of Nauvoo. (1840 U.S. Census, Schuyler Co., IL, 121; see also Clayton, Journal, 17 May 1843; and Discourse, 17 May 1843–B.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Census (U.S.) / U.S. Bureau of the Census. Population Schedules. Microfilm. FHL.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
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See 2 Peter 1:2–3.
See Revelation 19:10.
According to William Clayton, JS used similar language the previous night in Macedonia when instructing Clayton and Benjamin F. and Melissa LeBaron Johnson regarding the sealing ceremony that united a man and a woman in marriage by priesthood authority. (Instruction, 16 May 1843.)
A revision of the preceding two sentences was published as part of section 131, verses 5–6, in the 1876 Doctrine and Covenants. (Doctrine and Covenants 131:5–6, 1876 ed. [D&C 131:5–6].)
The Doctrine and Covenants, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Containing the Revelations Given to Joseph Smith, Jun., the Prophet, for the Building Up of the Kingdom of God in the Last Days. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Office, 1876.
See 2 Corinthians 12:2.
On 16 February 1832, JS and Sidney Rigdon reported experiencing a vision in which they saw three levels of heavenly glory—celestial, terrestrial, and telestial. On 30 January 1842, JS further described the afterlife, stating that “their were many mansions even 12 from the abode of Devils to the Celestial glory.” (Vision, 16 Feb. 1832 [D&C 76]; Discourse, 30 Jan. 1842.)
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