Discourse, 18 June 1844, as Reported by William Clayton
Source Note
JS, Discourse, , Hancock Co., IL, 18 June 1844; in William Clayton, Daily Account of JS’s Activities, 14–22 June 1844, pp. [5]–[6]; handwriting of ; CHL.
and mothers, brothers & sisters from being murdered by the mob. He urged them in strong terms not to shed innocent blood.— not to act in the least on the offensive but invariably in the defensive and if we die— die like men of God and secure a glorious resurrection— He concluded by invoking the Great God to bless the people.—
After the address the companies marched back to the parade ground— he at their head but after a very short stay returned. In the above address he advised all to arm themselves. those who had no rifles, get swords, scyths and make weapons of some kind He informed them that he had 5000 Elders minute men who would come with volunteers as soon as he would inform them. He said there were many from waiting to come when requested [p. [6]]