I have been informed by two gentleman that a conspiricy is got up in this place for the purpose of taking the life of President Joseph Smith his family and all the Smith family, & the heads of the Church, one of the gentleman will give his namme to the public & the other wishes it to be hid for the present they will both testify to it on oath & make an affidavit upon it the names of the persons revealed at the head of the conspiracy are as follows: ( , , & ) And the lies that has hatched up as a foundation to work upon is, he says that I had mens heads cut off in & that I had a sword run through the hearts of the people that I wanted to kill & put out of the way. I wont sware out a warrent against them for I dont fear any of them they would not scare of<f> an old setting hen. I intend to publish all the iniquity that I know of <them> If I am guilty I am ready to bear it. their is honor among enemies I am willing to do any thing for the good of the people, I will give the names of one of the gentleman who have divulged the plot His name is , he will sware to it he is a bold fellow. said a Smith should not be alive 2 weeks not over two months any how; As concerning the Character of these men I will say nothing about it now, but if I hear any thing more from them on this subject I will tell what I know about them) [p. [214]]