JS, Discourse, , Hancock Co., IL, 5 June 1842. Version published in Wasp, 11 June 1842, [2]. For more complete source information, see the source note for Notice, 28 Apr. 1842
The Prophet, Joseph Smith, delivered a powerful discourse, last Sabbath, to an attentive audience of about 8000, in this . The subject matter was drawn from the 32nd and 33rd chapters of Ezekiel, wherein it was shown that Old Pharaoh was comforted, and greatly rejoiced, that he was honored as a kind of King Devil over those uncircumcised nations, that go down to hell for rejecting the word of the Lord, withstanding his mighty miracles, and fighting the saints:—The whole exhibited as a pattern to this generation, and the nations now rolling in splendor over the globe, if they do not repent, that they shall go down to the pit also, and be rejoiced over, and ruled over by Old Pharaoh. King Devil of mobocrats, miracle rejecters, saint killers, hypocritical priests, and all other fit subjects to fester in their own infamy.— Spring water tastes best right from the fountain. [p. [2]]