Prest J. Smith called the intention of the con[ference] upon the subject contemplate[d] in the fore part of the con— as the wind blows hard it will be impossib[le] to make hear unless profound attention— Subject of the greatest importance, and most solemn that could occupy our attention the subject of the dead ben requested to speak on the subject on the decease of bro who was crushed to death &c— I have ben requested to speak by his friends & relatives & inasmuch as great many here in con— who live in this as well as elsewhere who have deceased friends feel disposed to speak on the subject in general— and offer my ideas as far as ability— & as far as inspired by H. G. [Holy Ghost] want your prayers faith, the inspirati[o]n of Almighty God, the Gift of H. G. that I may set forth truth things that can easily be comprehended & will carry the testimony to your heart, pray that the L[ord] may strengthe[n] my lungs caml [calm] the wind that it may enter into the ear of the Ld of Sabaoth the fervent [p. 11]