Some would complain with what God himself would do, the laws are enacted by petition and they can all be repealed if they wish it but the people ought not to complain of the officers but to complain at the law makers, I am instructed by the City Council to tell this people that if you do not like any law we have passed we will repeal it for we are your servants, Any that complain of our rights and Charters it is because they are wicked the devil is in them, the reason I called it up is we have a simple gang of fellows who does not know whare their elbows or head is if you preach virtue to them they will oppose that if you preach the Methodist God to them they will oppose that or any thing els & if their is any case tried they want it appealed to s [Orsamus F. Bostwick’s] case had to go to our Lawyers will send any thing to . I want to know if the citizens will sustain me when my hands are raised to heaven for the people, I will areign the person before the people that act against the interest of the & I will have the voice of the people which is republican and as likely to be the voice of God And as long as long as long as I have a tongue to speak I will expose the iniquity of the Lawyiers and wicked men I fear not their boiling over nor their boiling over nor the boiling over of Hell their thunders & forked lightning. I despise the man that will betray you with a kiss. Here is has set at naught the ordinances of the . By saying that He owns the wharf & steem boats need not pay them. Wharefore this body is the highest Court what appeal to . I would not appeal there if i died a thousand deaths. nor does not own the wharfage Water Street runs along the [p. [199]]