Prest. J. said mpos. [impossible] to continue the subject as to raise the dead Lungs is gone— time to do things must wait— give it up and leave the time to those who can make you hear— will do it some other time— make a proc[lamation] to the E[lde]rs— wanted you to stay in order I might make this proc. You know the L[or]d has lead the c[h]urch from Has another rev[elation] in rel[ation] to economy in the church Shall not be able as largely as some other time will give 1st prin[ciple]— has be[e]n great discussi[o]n in rel to Zion— prophets— make a proc that will cover a broader g[roun]d— the whole Americ[a] is the Zion itself— from North to South— that is the Zion where the Mountain of the Ld sh[oul]d be— when Ers take up b◊ will see it— dec[laration]— this morning are calculating soon as finishd— washing & anointing &c— when those last & most imp[ortan]t ordinance can be done— must be in a house— prov[isions]— made during time of laying found[ation]— where men may rec[eive] endow[men]t to make K[ings] & P[ries]ts— unto the Most H G. [High God] having nothin to do wi[t]h temporal things but K[ingdom] of G[od] G has provided for a house to be built where we can get a House this the central place & where we can be baptised for dead— it is nec[essary], when we want to save our dead we go through all the ordinanc[e]s same as for ourself from bap[tism] to ordination & end[owmen]t. From henceforth I have rec[eived]— inst[ruction] from Ld that Ers shall build churches where ever they raise branches through the States then build stakes— in the g[rea]t cities &c there shall be stakes— reserved the pro[clamation] to the last. All this to be und[erstood] that this work shall commence after the washing anontg [anointing] & end[o]wment here [p. [31]]