Instruction on Priesthood, between circa 1 March and circa 4 May 1835, as Recorded in Kimball, History [D&C 107]
Source Note
Instruction on Priesthood, , Geauga Co., OH, between ca. 1 Mar. and ca. 4 May 1835. Version copied [between 31 May 1843 and 31 Dec. 1856] in Kimball, History, pp. 28–33; in handwriting of ; CHL.
according to the and of the . Then comes the , which is the greatest of all; wherefore it must needs be that one be appointed of the high priesthood to preside over the , and he shall be called of the church; or, in other words, the presiding high priest over the high priesthood of the church. From the same comes the administering of and blessings upon the church, by the .
32. Wherefore the office of a is not equal unto it; for the office of a bishop is in administering all temporal things; nevertheless a bishop must be chosen from the high priesthood, unless he is a literal descendant of Aaron; for unless he is a literal descendant of Aaron he cannot hold the keys of that priesthood. Nevertheless, a that is after the order of Melchisedek, may be set apart unto the ministering of temporal things, having a knowledge of them by the spirit of truth, and also to be a judge in Israel, to do the business of the church, to sit in judgment upon transgressors, upon testimony as it shall be laid before him according to the laws, by the assistance of his counsellors whom he has chosen, or will choose among the elders of the church. This is the duty of a bishop who is not a literal descendant of Aaron, but has been to the high priesthood after the order of Melchisedek.
33. Thus shall he be a judge, even a common judge among the inhabitants of , or in a of Zion, or in any of the church where he shall be set apart unto this ministry, until the borders of Zion are enlarged, and it becomes necessary to have other bishops or judges in Zion, or elsewhere; and inasmuch as there are other bishops appointed they shall act in the same office.
34. But a literal descendant of Aaron has a legal right to the of this priesthood, to the of this ministry, to act in the office of bishop independently, without counsellors, except in a case where a President of the high priesthood, after the order of Melchisedek, is tried, to sit as a judge in Israel. And the decision of either of these , agreeable to the commandment which says,
35. Again, verily, I say unto you, the most important business of the church, and the most difficult cases of the church, inasmuch as there is not satisfaction upon the decision of the bishop or judges, it shall be handed over and carried up unto the council of the church, before the presidency of the high priesthood; and the presidency of the council of the high priesthood shall have power to call other high priests, even twelve, to assist as counsellors; and thus the presidency of the high priesthood and its counsellors shall have power to decide upon testimony according to the . And after this decision it shall be had in remembrance no more before the Lord; for this is the highest council of the church of God, and a final decision upon controversies in spiritual matters.
36. There is not any person belonging to the church who is exempt from this council of the church.
37. And inasmuch as a president of the high priesthood shall transgress, he shall be had in remembrance before the common council of the church who [p. 32]