around, among the rest a physician; the Doctor on seeing a ball lodged in my <left> hand, took a penknife from his pocket and made an incision in my hand, for the purpose of extracting the ball therefrom; and having obtained a pair of carpenters compasses, made use of them to draw or pry it out the ball; alternately using the penknife and compasses. After sawing for some time with a dull pen knife and prying and pulling with with the compasses, he ultimately succeeded in extracting the ball, which was about an half ounce one. Some time afterwards he remarked to a friend of mine that I “had nerves like the Devil to stand what I did, in its extraction.” I really thought I had need of nerves to stand such surgical butchery, and that whatever my nerves might be, his practice was devilish.
This company wished to remove me to ’s , the place where we had stayed previous to our incarceration in jail. I told them, however, that I did not wish to go, I did not consider it safe.” They protested, “that it was, and that I was safe with them; that it was a perfect outrage for men to be used as we had been; that they were my friends; that it was for my good they were counseling me and that I could be better taken care of there than here”.
I replied “I dont know you. Who am I among?” I am surrounded by assassins and murderers, witness your deeds! Dont talk to me of kindness or comfort, look at your murdered victims! Look at me! I want none of your counsel nor comfort. There may be some <safety here>; I [p. 54]