of many in the , & to form combinations there, similar to the Anti-Mormon associations outside of the . Various attempts had heretofore been made, by the party to annoy and irritate the citizens of ; false accusations had been made, vexatious lawsuits instituted, threats made, and various devices resorted to, to influence the public mind, and, if possible to induce us to the commission of some overt act, that might make us amenable to the Law. With a perfect knowlege therefore of the designs of these infernal scoundrels, who were in our midst, as well as <of> those who surrounded us, the City Council entered upon the investigation of the matter. They felt that they were in a critical position, and that any move made for the abating of that press would be looked upon, or at least represented as a direct attack upon the liberty of Speech, and of the press; and that so far from displeasing our enimies, it would be looked upon by them as one of the best circumstances that could transpire, to assist them in their nefarious and bloody designs. Being a member of the City Council, I well remember the feeling of responsibility that seemed to rest upon all present; nor shall I soon forget the bold manly independant expressions of Joseph Smith, on that occassion, in relation to this matter. He exibited in glowing colors the meanness, corruption and ultimate designs of the Anti-Mormons, their despicable characters, and ungodly influences; especially those [p. 8]