Lease to James Adams and Elezer Van Drezer, 15 November 1841
Source Note
JS, Lease, , IL, to and Elezer Van Drezer, 15 Nov. 1841; handwriting of ; signatures of JS, , and Elezer Van Drezer; endorsement in handwriting of JS; three pages; BYU.
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expiration of fifteen <years> from the date hereof four thousand dollars payable in equal annual instalments to wit eight hundred dollars for each and every year of the last mentioned five years. The said Smith reserving to himself and family and as follows— to wit for himself and family for his mothers and his Brothers respective families and with his family the right of ferriage free of expense or charge together with such persons horses carriages and teams as they may cause to pass on their respective businesses it is also part of this contract that the said Joseph Smith hereby delivers the ferry together with the boats skiffs and other materials for working the same to the said and Van Drezer or their Agent on demand after this date the said Smith to receive for the said boats skiffs and materials the sum of thirty dollars the payment of fifteen dollars of which is hereby acknowledged but it is understood that the said Smith sells the said boats skiffs and materials and authourises the said and Van Drezer to receive the same from the possession of whomsoever they may be but does not subject himself to hunt up or find the same. It is moreover understood that the said and Van Drezer nor either of them shall have the priviledge of leasing or renting to [p. [2]]