, Letter, , Philadelphia Co., PA, to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 17 Aug. 1843; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of and Jonathan Grimshaw; four pages; JS Collection, CHL.
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I will now, tell you sumthing about your old Friends, in this, <,> in so doing, I will try to be a wise servent and as harmless, as a dove, Sister Bangor [Sarah Banger], left the, Church, in April. and has not come back yet, she is vary friendly, and so is the old gentleman;— Br Pawson, and family would be glad to see you, and in fact all your old friends to[o] numourous to mention, Sister, C, [Elizabeth Conrad], and, her, daughtors, they have ben tried some what of late; one of the Girls, is vary much apposed to, the doctrin of the Saints, she will not let the old Lady & the others rest becaus they are Mormons, She wants to rule the family, she is not willing that any of the Saints should come to the House, if theair Should come a Lettor to the Office, She wants to see it, least it should come from a Mormon, She watches vary close!!
A few days befor the Twelve came to this , I, was cauled upon to visit a. family that was sumwhat troubled in mind!!! Sum person had given them, <(or her)> a, <few,> word<s> of Council, the first cost the giver, 50, ct, and the Last cost the Receiver, 25, ct,
March, the 11th., & June the 2ct. Quincy, again, I was cauled upon to explain certin, mistryes &c. they were unable to comprehend, cirten items, made, known, and yet, unknown, I confesed that it was a grate Mistery that, I, could not interpet. altho <I> read vary close, the one out of the Church had not read, but the, Three in the, Church read, and, cept [kept] reading, untill, two of them, was about to denie, the faith, Miss S[usan Conrad], & the Mother!!! Miss. A. has bin the meanes of ceaping [keeping] them in the Church, and sending for, me to explain, after reading, I preached, bore testimony, &c, will you answor it Miss S. no I cannot think of doing it, you may write if you will. so I copied from the March number a few words thinking to write in a few days, [p. [2]]