, Letter, Pittsburg, OH, to JS and , [, Hancock Co., IL], 16 Apr. 1844; handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; four pages; JS Collection, CHL.
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the public mind is perfectly astounded to heare the vast amount of correspondence in print of charecter and location of the anticquities of America as set forth first in the Book of Mormon in 1830 and then sustained by <Messrs—> Priest in 1833 and Delafield in 1839 and Catherwood and Stephens in 1841— & 42 showing positively and demonstratively in the most profound sense of the terms that it was out of the reach of speculative impostures to have orriginated the matter contained in the Book of Mormon in point of charecter and location of the antiquities of America unless the author was aided either by Books <or> Personal observation of them like Stevens and others were or by direct inspiration to say that Smith had Books from which he could draw the facts set forth in the Book of Mormon they cannot for if he had others could have had the same; to have detected the scheme which none have attempted to do; if any should attempt to do so I am the man that is able to efectualy prostrate every such effort for I am able to show many corresponding facts exhisting betwen the history of Book of Mormon and those other Books spoken of above that never was seen in on the face of a book till these Books were published at the dates spoken of— To say that J— Smith had had an oppertunity of an extensive travel to have personly [p. [2]]