Letter from Lyman Wight and Heber C. Kimball, 19–24 June 1844
Source Note
and , Letter, , Philadelphia Co., PA, to JS, [, Hancock Co., IL], 19–24 June 1844; handwriting of ; signature in handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of ; notation in unidentified handwriting; sixteen pages; JS Collection, CHL.
busness whatever, hence we prepared, & watched our opportunity and done all the business we could betwixt those hours for 10 days, pleadi[n]g the cause of the poor and oppressed. We have got a petition signed with with our names in the behalf of the church for a remuneration of our sufferings, and not of right of redress for they would not receive such a petition from us it would was thought by and and Major Hughs [James M. Hughes] that our petition would carry if it was not too late in the Session. handed it to the Chairman on the Committe of “public Lands” he said he would do would the best he could for us. is of the opinion if we would Sue the State of for redress of grievances, that there was virtue enough in the to answer our demands for I will <tell> you , there they are God dGod damned ashamed of their conduct and are of the <same> opinion.
& myself spared no pains during our stay at . we found six members of the Church mostly strong in the faith and many attentive hearers, we purpose sending a steady faithful Elder there who we think can build up a large church, we found our time too limited to meet the Conferences and [p. 5]