Letter from Lyman Wight and Others, 15 February 1844–A
Source Note
, , , , and , Letter, Black River Falls, Pine Co., Wisconsin Territory, to JS and quorum of the twelve, , Hancock Co., IL, 15 Feb. 1844; handwriting of Otis Hobart; four pages; JS Collection, CHL.
chose the following committee (namely) and to correspond with your Revr. council, giving you our views concerning matters and things and requesting your council on the same— This committee views it inexpedient to purchase standing timber on so rapid and unnavigable a stream for the purpose of making lumber to gain wealth— The Lamanites owning this land, notwithstanding their great anxiety to receive the Gospel and the book of Mormon have a strong desire if counciled by us so to do, to go south West where game is more plenty as their only resource here for a living is the pittiful annuities and proceeds from their pine timber, which timber is is the only inducement to the Government to purchase their lands— This committee is therefore led to take a brief view of the south and Western part of North America togeather with the Floridas, , West India Islands and the adjacent Islands to the Gulf of Mexico, togeather with the Lamanites bordering on the United Territoriees from Green Bay to the Mexican Gulf; all crying with One voice through the medium of their chiefs. Give us an understanding of your doctrine and principles for we perceive that your ways are equal and your rightiousness far exceeds the righteousness of all the Missionaries, that we have yet become acquainted with, that your conduct with One another is like that of ours and that all your feasts and attendant ceremonies are precisely like ours.
Your servants the committee have viewed the with all its beautiful hills and vallies and fertile soil with deep regret when viewing the countless thousands of inhabitants on either side thereof, without the knowledge of God or the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and say in their hearts, would it be expedients to form a Mission of those true and full blooded Ep[h]raimites who from principle and love [p. [2]]