, Letter, , Hancock Co., IL, to “the authorities of the Church of Latter Day Saints” (including JS), , Hancock Co., IL, 1 July 1842; handwriting of ; two pages; Oliver H. Olney Papers, Western Americana Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
To the Authoratys of the . It is with no ordinary feelings That I address my self to you at this time On a subject of which so much is said, The Periodicals of the day are often crouded. [w]ith matter that had not outo [ought to?] be speaking [o]f the doings of the Church of Latter day Saints,
Now on a principal with out respect to party I say to you that you know of Your [do]ings (and I am not altogether Ignorant of [th]em) That you as a people had outo Now [know] [y]our self of the scandal that has long ben heard on you you know whether the storys abdout [of doubt?] [h]ave a foundation, Now I say to you that I have [l]ong ben with you as a Member of the Church [of] Latter day Saints and have kept a reco[r]d of their doings (Tho partial to them) That I feel [i]n duty bound to publish to the world, unless ◊◊◊edy repentance and acknowledgement to the [w]orld of the fa[u]lts that we know has and does [ex]ist I shall publish against you and you [m]ay repent at your leisisure
[Bu]t if you will go a head in a reformation and honour [the] cause that you have espoused I add no more [b]ut will as ever be your Friend