Sir, I have consulted my friends in relation to your proposals of settlements, and they as well as myself are of the opinion that your conduct and that of your unworthy, unprincipled, clan is so base that it woudl be morally wrong & detract from the dignity of Gentlemen to hold any conference with you. the repeated insults, and abuses, I as well as my friends have suffered from your unlawful course towards us demands honorable resentment we are resolved to make this our motto, nothing on our part has been done to provoke your anger but have done all things as become men, you have trampled upon every thing we hold dear and sacred, you have set all law at defiance and profaned the name of the most high to carry out your damnable purposes—and I have nothing more to fear from you than you have already threatened, & I as well as my frie[n]ds will stay here & maintain and magnify the law as long as we stay—and we are resolved never to leave until we sell or exchange our property that we have here, the proposals made by your agent as well as the threats you sent to intimidate me, I disdain and despise as I do their unhallowed author, the right of my family and my friends, demand at my hand a refusal of all your offers, we are united in virtue and truth, and we set hell at defiance and all her agents adieu.