Letter, Glasgow, Scotland, to “Brethren,” 28 August 1844
Source Note
Unknown author, Letter, Glasgow, Scotland, to “Brethren,” [, Hancock Co., IL], 28 Aug. 1844; unidentified handwriting; four pages; JS Office Papers, CHL.
Page [4]
serious consideration for immediate action Articles also can be issued forth for defending our position upon every subject and which [ca]nnot fail either [5 words illegible] producing issues the most s◊◊◊al [illegible] [s]tupendous for the common welfare of the cause [illegible] the signs of the times and passed and ◊assing events the time is now come for adopting [illegible] plans and unpredicinted expedients [w]ith all possible dispatch for flooding [all] the nations of the Earth with our [illegible] doct[rines]. A series also of [illegible] called for that The may be mightily [s]trengthened for her great worth. Your addresses [u]pon this subject will bring in a sum [illegible] the most [illegible] operations besides ◊pecial and annual contributions from [Eu]rope. from the appeals you issue forth upon [illegible] a sum of 5,000£ will be raised.
It is truly lamentable no steps have been [illegible] taken upon this or in public [a]ddresses in warning the nations of [th]e Earth of the position they occupy [p. [4]]