[, (Viator, pseud.)], Letter, , Hancock Co., IL, to the Editor of Boston Daily Bee, , Suffolk Co., MA, 26 July 1843, draft; handwriting of ; three pages; “Truthiana No. 8,” Truthiana, 1843, drafts, CHL.
right peaceably to assemble for their common good, and to apply to those vested with the powers of government for redress of grievances: andthattheirrightto beararmsindefenceofthemselves, and of thes, cannotbequestioned.”
This very <over> wise right of gun fence was made, as I have learned, was made for breachy Indians, but was used by as a sinequanon, ‘pointed with steel and burning with brimstone,’ to exterminate the Mormons. Truly may we ask, Whatisright? and what is law, contrary to the Constitution? The Legislature of acknowledged the or exterminating order of as Constitutional, and appropriated more than $200,000 to pay the drivers and robbers, and I may as well say, mobbers of the mormons for service rendered the in 1838. Ogladius! Ocrumena!