Letter to the Church in Caldwell County, Missouri, 16 December 1838, as Recorded in “General” Record Book
Source Note
JS, Letter, , Clay Co., MO, to the church in , MO, 16 Dec. 1838. Version copied [between 16 Dec. 1838 and ca. 30 Oct. 1839] in “General” Record Book, 1838, pp. 101–108; handwriting of ; CHL.
, and nothing frighted at your enemies. For what has happened unto us is an evident token to them of damnation, but unto us of Salvation, and that of God. Therefore hold on even unto death, for he that seeks to save his life shall loose it, but he that looseth his life for my sake and the Gospel’s shall find it, sayeth Jesus Christ.
Brethren from henceforth let truth and righteousness abound in you; and in all things be temperate, abstain from drunkenness, and from swearing, and from all profane language, and from everything which is unrighteous or unholy, also from enmity and hatred, and covetousness, and from every unholy desire, Be honest one with another, for it seemeth, that some have come short of these things, and some have been uncharitable, and have manifested greediness, because of their acts <debts> towards those who have been persecuted and dragged about in chains without cause and imprisoned. Such characters God hates, and shall have their turn of sorrow in the rolling of the great wheel for it rolleth and none can hinder.
shall yet live, though she seemeth to be dead. Remember that whatsoever measure you meet out to others, it shall be measured unto you again. We say unto you Brethren be not afraid of your adversaries. Contend earnestly against mobs, And the unlawful works of dissenters and of darkness, and the very God of peace shall be with you, and make a way for your escape from the adversary of your Souls.
We commend you to God, and the word of his grace which is able to make you wise unto Salvation. Amen.