1843 | ||
June 10thNo. 160 | s Bond to Hiram Stone & Andrew Dunn for Lots No 2 & 3 in B 14 of the Town plot of Dated June 8th. 1843 | Recorded Book A. pages 172 & 173 |
June 12th. No 161 | Deed to for Lots No 3 in B 7 also L 4 in B 7 also L 2 in B 9 also L 2 in B 7 also L 2 in B 2 also Lots 1 & 4 in B 4 also Lots 1 & 4 in B 5 also Lots 1 & 4 in B 12 also F Lot 1 in B 3 also F L 2 in B 2 also Lot 2 in B 10 also L 1 in B 2 also F Lot 1 B 4 in s addition to Dated January 23rd. 1843 | Recorded Book A. pages 173, 174 & 175 |
June 12th. No. 162 | Deed to for pt. of Section thirty six in Township seven North of Range nine West of the fourth principal Meridian Dated January 16th. 1843. | Recorded Book A. Pages 175 & 176 |
June 15 No 163 | Deed to for Lot 4 in Block 7 of ’s addition to the Town of Dated June 8th. 1843— | Recorded in Book A Pages 176 & 177 |
June 15 164 | Deed to for lot four in block six in ’s third addition to the City of also a piece of land laying between said lot 4 and the Township line on the South of said lot Dated June 14th. 1843— | Recorded in Book A Pages 177 & 178 |
James Whitehead handwriting ends; George Walker begins.