Stout indicated that he had recorded minutes of the high council’s 19 April 1840 meeting on 14 February 1842. He originally misdated these 11 July 1840 minutes to 11 July 1842, suggesting that he made the record sometime in 1842. (Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 19 Apr. 1840, 56.)
Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 1839–1845. CHL. LR 3102 22.
In giving this instruction, JS reiterated direction originally provided to the Kirtland, Ohio, high council—the first standing high council formed in the church. That council was told that “in all cases the accuser and the accused shall have a privilege of speaking for themselves before the council, after the evidences are heared.” (Revised Minutes, 18–19 Feb. 1834 [D&C 102:18].)