Minutes, 22 January 1842, Extract, as Published in Times and Seasons
Source Note
Nauvoo City Council, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 22 Jan. 1842. Extract published in “Rules of Order of the City Council,” Times and Seasons, 1 Feb. 1842, 3:683–686.
Mayor, to serve as President pro tempore, who shall preside during the absence of the Mayor, and who shall be chosen by ballot—and a majority of the votes of the members present shall be necessary to a choice.
8th. If at any meeting when a majority shall be assembled, neither the Mayor, nor the President pro tempore, shall be present, the council shall proced to the election of a President for that meeting.
Of the Recorder.
9th. The Rocorder shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the council, and shall enter therein whatever a majority of the members shall order; and, in all cases, the yeas and nays, or dissent of any member, when required to do so.
10th. The Recorder shall read whatever is laid before the council for the consideration of the members, and shall countersign every act, address, or resolution, passed by the council, noting the date of its passage.
11th. When the yeas and nays are called upon any question, the Recorder shall read over distinctly, first, the names of the members who voted in the affirmative; and next, the names of those who voted in the negative.
Of the Marshall.
12th. The Marshall shall serve as Door Keeper, and Sergeant-at-Arms, to the council.
Order of Business.
13th. After the reading of the journal of the preceding meeting, the Mayor shall call for petitions, and no petition shall be received thereafter, unless by unanimous consent.
14th. Petitions having been called for and disposed of, reports of Standing Committees shall next be received, then reports of Select Committees, and then any miscellaneous business shall be in order.
15th. The Mayor shall always be at liberty to deliver his sentiments in debate, on any question before the council; but when the Mayor speaks, it shall be from his chair.
16th. In cases of disorderly conduct in spectators, the Mayor may either order the persons out, committing the disorder; have the room cleared; or fine or commit the offenders to prison, for contempt.
Of Order and Debate.
17th. When any member is about to speak in debate, or offer any matter to the council, he shall rise from his seat, and address the Mayor as “Mr. President,” and avoid personalities.
18th. When two members rise at the same time, the Mayor shall name the person to speak, but in all other cases, the member first rising shall speak first. No member shall speak more than three times to the same question without leave of the council, nor speak more than twice without leave, until every person, choosing to speak shall have spoken.
19th. Any member may call another to order, and when a member is so called to order, he shall immediately desist speaking, until the Mayor decide whether he is in order, or not; and every question of order shall be decided without debate; but any member may appeal from his decision, to the council; if the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed; if otherwise, the council shall determine upon the propriety of his proceeding with his observations.
20th. When a question has been taken and carried in the affirmative, or negative, it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move for the re-consideration thereof; but no motion for the re-consideration of any vote shall be in order, after the paper upon which the same shall have been taken, shall have gone out of the possession of the council.
21st. No motion, or proposition, shall be received as an amendment which shall be a substitute for the proposition before the council; but nothing shall be considered a substitute which shall have relation to the subject matter under consideration.
22nd. When the yeas and nays are called, every member shall vote, unless specially excused; and in voting by yeas and nays, the Councillors shall be called first, the Aldermen next, and the Mayor last.
23rd. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be first read aloud before any order be taken thereon; but the question, “Will the council now consider it,” shall not be put, unless called for by a member, or is deemed necessary by the Mayor: and on motions to amend, the question of consideration shall in no case be put.
24th. Any motion may be withdrawn or modified by the mover, at any time before a final decision or amendment.