Minutes and JS, Discourse, , Hancock Co., IL. Version published in published in Nauvoo Neighbor, 20 Dec. 1843, vol. 1, no. 31, [3]. For more complete source information, see the source note for Notice, 26 Aug. 1843.
At a very numerous meeting of the citizens of , held at the corner of Main and Water streets on the 9th Dec. 1843, Mr. was elected chairman, and appointed secretary. Mr. having made a few observations, Mr. read the preamble and resolutions of a a meeting held at the on the 7th instant, also an ordinance entitled ‘an extra ordinance for the extra case of Joseph Smith and others,’ recently passed by the City Council of the city of ; likewise the 5th and 6th article of the amendments of the constitution of the ; and the opinion of the of the State of , on the subject of the organization of the , he being of the opinion that said Legion was disconnected from the military communities of the whole , and in no way subject to the regular military officers, possessing an exemption, even from subjection to the general military laws, with a law making power vested in their own Legion.’
After some pertinent remarks by , General Joseph Smith briefly addressed the meeting; he dissented entirely from the opinion of the , and observed that it was stated in the charter that the was a part of the militia of , and that his commission declared that he (General Smith) was the Lieutenant General of the , and if [of] the militia of the State of , and as such, it was not only his duty to enforce the ordinances, but the laws of the when called on by the Governor. He also stated that he had been informed that the of had it in contemplation to make another requisition on the of for him, Joseph Smith.