Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1844, as Reported by William Clayton
Source Note
General conference of the church, Minutes, and JS, Discourses, Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL, 6–8 Apr. 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of Robert L. Campbell and Jonathan Grimshaw; thirty-eight pages; General Church Minutes, CHL.
He will come that you may have no mor deaf dumb sick lame &c but that ye may have power to heal them. When we examine the power of the k of H. what nation has any thing to say against it. They shall beat their swords into ploughshares The nations has been at war one with another— sword has been unsheathed and death scattered over the earth. God proclaims peace— beat their swords &c and learn war no more. This is what God said he would set up in the last days. To cause sorrow desease and trouble to cease &c and bring down upon their heads all that heaven has to bestow. Know they were right then to set up a k. Shall be a Kingdom of gathering & eternal glory. Let no man be alarmed because God said it should swallow up all K’s. who would have objections. What injury to the world— if all the world were here and felt the same peace union &c we possess here how many men would be killed the next ½ century. The Lord says he intends to serve the whole world as he has served us He has given us a pattern— will bind them with the bands of union love faith stronger than death. Why is the world afraid of it— because they do not understand and are not partaker[s] of its blessings &c. Had a notion to talk a little about the gospel itself. The elementary principles by which God formed meterials to build a k. twas simple— did not require much wisdom to comprehend— and required no more than ordinary honesty to obey it. Christ came to save sinners not good folks— He said as far as to get in publicans sinners, harlots and all kinds— the thief liar scoundrel— he made it large enough for all these— says he it does not need a great deal of effort of mind and yet the decision of mans mind has more to do with it than men are aware of— He that believeth &c— What was required of the man— one single act of the mind & one only Heard a gentleman say sonce their meeting commenced he was not worthy to belong to any church. The gospel is proclaimed to meet this case— to those who are unworthy — not to the honest & upright but to the wicked & unworthy— When men begin [p. 3 [15]]