Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1844, as Reported by William Clayton
Source Note
General conference of the church, Minutes, and JS, Discourses, Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL, 6–8 Apr. 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of Robert L. Campbell and Jonathan Grimshaw; thirty-eight pages; General Church Minutes, CHL.
He was not to be dictated to by any except the prophet and God You can pay your subscriptions and it shall always be said boldly by me the sisters bought the glass in that . And their names shall be written upon the book of the Law of the Lord. Tis not a tax— but to procure something which shall ever be a monument of your works. No member of the F. R. S [Female Relief Society] got it up I am the man that did it. They ought not to infringe upon it I am not a member of the F. R. S. I am one of the Committee of L. H. [Lord’s House] I wish to do good, wish all the saints to have an opportunity to do something— want the poor to have a chance as well as the purse with $5. (The (2 mites) wants those who are able to put in two mites & they shall have a seat their and if they only pay 1 penny they shall have a seat in the as well as those who pay $10. because it is all they had. He wishes all to have a place in that . He intends to stimulate the brethren want to finish the this season— finish in the winter to dedicate next 6 April if nothing more than one room—. Will call upon the brethren to do something— cant make a comparison between the house of God & any thing now in existence. Great thing[s] to grow out of it great things contemplated. Language cant make a comparison. A great and mighty power to grow out of it— an endowment, knowledge is power— we want knowledge. We are annoyed with infractions— in the midst of those who profess to know the Lord When we once have a — administer Lords supper— having instructi[o]ns— it will do away these little evils— if we can have a privilege to confess our fault to god and one another evry Sabbath it will do away these— The femal[e]s Shall have a seat if they only pay 1 penny— to offer up your sacraments evry sabbath— you will feel well a whole week— you’l get the spirit— and will increase— We are now deprived of the privilege of giving the necessary instruction hence we want an house—. It shall be paid out for what you design it— it shant be paid for any thing else. The quary is filled with rock— stone cutters cut— come on with your teams [p. 8 [20]]