Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1844, as Reported by William Clayton
Source Note
General conference of the church, Minutes, and JS, Discourses, Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL, 6–8 Apr. 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of Robert L. Campbell and Jonathan Grimshaw; thirty-eight pages; General Church Minutes, CHL.
If any learned men— want to ask when was Z plowed Ans[wer]— when Romans came &c that was the only time when little Z was ploughed— waits to see if G[od] has need shall be another Z. In the last days &c— God has sd it shall come to pass— that the mountain of the Lds house &c going to be a Z after other is passed away— many nations shall come and say— <let us [3 words illegible]> let us go &c— word of the lord from Jer. &c— bey & be [bye & by] they will come together & take the earth— the whole world depends & upon the salvation to come from Z.— one word about the last days— dif. between these & the last days— referred to Noah— Sodom— overthrew the Jewish nation these last days— but when it says the last days age dispensation— that shall burst upon the w[orl]d then the nations shall come together to make the place of the G◊◊◊ feet glorious After this if a man will deny that God will establish Zion in the last days let him be ignor[an]t.— can bring testimony not only of Micah but of living witnesses who have seen & come to the mount of God &c, without rev[elation] we will not know what to do— Hundreds of the brethren have asked why is the that we are now building called the house of Jacob when building among the gentiles. Prophesy of Jacob Gen. 48.49 I called together his sons— & any other his two sons— he had reced the priest[hoo]d & had a right to prophecy confer blessing &c. Jacob is one thing Judah another. Israel another— Joseph brings his two sons E[phraim] & M[anassah]— the old man crossed his hands Joseph comes up & wanted to shew him the ways of life— takes hold of the old mans hands &c— I know it. he shall be y[e]t but his younger bro shall be gter than he &c— Let my name be named upon them— Ruben & Simeon took the birth right by transgression his seed shall become a multitude of nations. how many take to make a multitude.— Gen 49— the spt of God rests upon him & he says the same things— Joseph is a fruitful &c— by fathers blest me with the land of Canan I have prevailed with God & have got a greater blessing— the utmost bounds &c he rewar[d]ed 10 times as much on E as M— referred then to Deut 33— Moses calls the heads of the tribes & blessing them— blesses children of Joseph— Push the people together to the ends of the earth— [p. 3 [33]]