Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1844, as Reported by William Clayton
Source Note
General conference of the church, Minutes, and JS, Discourses, Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL, 6–8 Apr. 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of Robert L. Campbell and Jonathan Grimshaw; thirty-eight pages; General Church Minutes, CHL.
Gather my people together until the indignation shall pass &c Isaiah. Saviour shall come on Mt Zion— more than one— want to know the eternal principal of salvation. wants to speak on the dead— last Chap Luke. Thus it behooved Ct to suffer &c. An eternity of argum[en]t in those words behooved Ct to suffer die arise than ress &c— want to find out the truth was preach at Jerusalem— when they prech— the same way The way they began is God’s eternal fixed plan for salv[ation] of men. They did not preach hell, fire & bows on womens bonets. They preachd J. C [Jesus Christ] & the resurrection. They looked back to the creation & saw God form a body & put in spt & becm [became] living soul— sin entered the w[orl]d, law of Salvation— man hurl[e]d forth into a wd of suffering all creation began to groan in anguish— the man, woman earth was cursed. Without the sheding of blood was no remission than the reason why Able offered— The saviour took upon him a body the seed of Abraham— did he go to the pious pr[i]est— no— all Jerusalem rapt in slumber the angel of the Ld came to the sheperds— glory to Gd in the highest good news to men. A child was born a son given &c— none during 4000 had entered the prison & lead the monster death in chains to exclaim where is thy sting &c— here is the personage. ages had passed away others arisen on their ruins— Believe that the design of God in organizing these taber[n]acles for spts to dwell in. Will hazard a positi[o]n— That the Lrd never could have saved the wd without a new scheme— bap. Jesus was the door the way &c— People say we will walk in the way but leave the door on side— The savior did not do so— he went in at the door. If he had gone into the window he would be tried for house breaking. Every one who has preached another gospel & other ordinances will be cursed Thus it behooves Ct to suffer &c. He became the first fruits of them that slept— a feel of me Thomas— feel of me— have you any thing to eat— The object of the worlds salvation was in the tomb. the stone rolled away the savior was from the tomb— here is good news The saints shall be fashioned like unto his glorious body— shall have flesh & bones— [p. 5 [35]]