, James Smithis, George McKenzie, Charles Hales, , , , , , and Jacob C. Ivins, Petition, , Hancock Co., IL, to Nauvoo Legion Court-Martial, [7 May 1843]; unidentified handwriting; docket in handwriting of ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes dockets.
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To the Honorable Court Martial, of the , assembled
We your Petitioners (Musicians of the 2nd. Division of the Music) felling it a duty we owe <to> the Nauvoo Legion and also to Ourselves, would respectfuly present for the consideration of your Honorable Body the following petition—
With our present organization we are dissatisfied, we are compelled to do duty as field Music, and under the command of captain of Fifers and drumers.
We therefore humbly pray, that you would grant us the favor of organizeing into a company, to be called the Nauvoo Brass Band, with power to elect Our own Officers and Subject to the Order of the <Leutenant General> drill officer of the Nauvoo Legion