Petition to Elias Higbee, circa 16 August 1838, Draft [State of Missouri v. JS et al. for Riot]
Source Note
[, on behalf of JS], Petition, [, Caldwell Co., MO], to , , Caldwell Co., MO, ca. 16 Aug. 1838, draft; handwriting of ; one page; George W. Robinson, Papers, CHL.
To one of the Justises of the County Court, within and for the County of state of —
The undersigned your petitioner would respectfully show that whereas of the State aforesaid by virtue of a process directed to <Mr. Morgain [William Morgan]> the said sheriff of <> issued out of the Circuit Court of or by the Judge thereof, and by virtue of said writ the said Morgan Sheriff or foresaid is about to remove the said <whom he now holds in custody> out of the County of where he now is, and was arrested, to . Your petitioner verily believes Said process is either not authorized by any provision of Law, or is not allowed by law under the circumstances which caused its issue, and that in attempting to take the said, [blank] out of the County of aforesaid would be to exceede the right or jurisdiction of the said Sherriff, therefore your petitioner requests that a writ of may be immediately issued directed to said Sherriff, to enquire into the cause of such confinement or restraint
State of Missouri)
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Before me one of the Justises of the County Court, within and for the aforesaid personally came [blank] who being duly sworn according to law deposeth and saith that the above petition is substantially true to the best of his belief and further this deponant saith not sworn to and subscribed before me in the Town of County of aforesaid this [blank] day of August A. D. 1838 [p. [1]]