Decker was not alone in providing financial assistance.
Orson F. Whitney, “Pioneer Women of Utah,” Contributor, July 1890, 323.
Contributor. Salt Lake City. 1879–1896.
Historian’s Office, Brigham Young History Drafts, 15–16.
Historian’s Office. Brigham Young History Drafts, 1856–1858. CHL. CR 100 475, box 1, fd. 5.
Little, “Biography of Lorenzo Dow Young,” 38; “History of Brigham Young,” Deseret News, 3 Feb. 1858, 378; Orson F. Whitney, “Pioneer Women of Utah,” Contributor, July 1890, 323.
Little, James Amasa. “Biography of Lorenzo Dow Young.” Utah Historical Quarterly 14 (1946): 25-132.
Deseret News. Salt Lake City. 1850–.
Contributor. Salt Lake City. 1879–1896.
As was common practice, JS likely issued a receipt to Young and Decker for this partial payment; the receipt is apparently not extant. (See, for example, Receipt from Samuel Musick, 14 July 1838.)