Revelation, 23 July 1837, as Recorded in Kimball, Journal [D&C 112]
Source Note
Revelation, , Geauga Co., OH, 23 July 1837. Version copied [between ca. Mar. 1841 and ca. Mar. 1842] in Heber C. Kimball, Journal, pp. 49–59; handwriting of ; CHL.
I come. Verily I say unto you my servant , thou art the man whom I have chosen to hold the of my kingdom, (as pertaining to the ) abroad among all nations, that thou mayst be my servant to unlock the door of the kingdom in all places, where my servant Joseph and my servant , and my servant cannot come; for on them have I laid the burden of all the churches for a little season, wherefore, withersoever they shall send you go ye, and I will be with you and in whatsoever place ye shall proclaim my name an effectual door shall be opened unto you that they may receive [p. [54]]