rebuke unto the transgressor, and at thy rebuke let the tongue of the slanderer cease its perversness be thou humble and I the Lord thy God shell lead thee by the hand and give thee an answer to thy prayers I know thine heart and have heard thy prayers concerning thy brethren be not partial toward them in love above many others but let your love be for them as for yourself and let your love abound unto all men and unto all who love my name and pray for your brethren of the admonish them sharply for my name sake & let them be admonished for all their sins and be ye faithful before me unto my name and afte their temptations & much tribulation behold I the Lord will feel after them & if they harden not their hearts and stiffen not their necks against me they shall be converted and I will heal them Now I say unto you, & what I say unto you I say unto all the Twelve Arise and gird up your loins, and take up your cross and follow me and feed my sheep exalt not yourselves rebel not against my servant Joseph for verily I say unto you I am with him and my hand shall be over him and the Keys which I have given him and also to youward shall not be taken from him untill I come.
Verily I say unto you my Servent thou art the man whom I have chosen [p. [2]]