Revelation, 8 July 1838–C, Newel K. Whitney Copy [D&C 119]
Source Note
Revelation, , Caldwell Co., MO, 8 July 1838. Version copied [ca. Aug. 1838]; handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; Revelations Collection, CHL.
O Lord shew unto us thy servants how much thou requirest of the properties of thy people for a tithing.
Answer. Verily thus saith the Lord I require all their surpluss properties to be put into the hands of the of my Church of for the building of mine & for the laying the foundation of & for the , and for the debts of the Presidency of my Church & this shall be the begining of the of my people, and after that, those who have thus been tithed shall pay one tenth of all their interest annually, and this shall be a standing law unto them forever for my holy Priesthood saith the Lord— Verily thus saith the I say unto you it shall come to pass that all those who gather unto the land of , shall be tithed of their surpluss properties, & shall observe this law or they shall not be found worthy to abide among you, and behold I say unto you, if my people observe not this law to keep it holy, & by this law sanctify the land of unto me that my statutes and my judgments may be kept thereon that it may be most holy, behold verily I say unto you, it shall not be a land of unto you and this shall be an ensample unto all the of even so Amen [p. [1]]