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Gilbert, Algernon Sidney


28 Dec. 1789–29 June 1834. Merchant. Born at New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. Son of Eli Gilbert and Lydia Hemingway. Moved to Huntington, Fairfield Co., Connecticut; to Monroe, Monroe Co., Michigan Territory, by Sept. 1818; to Painesville, Geauga Co., Ohio; and to Mentor, Geauga Co., ca. Oct. 1820. Married Elizabeth Van Benthusen, 30 Sept. 1823, in Chagrin (later Willoughby), Geauga Co. Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., 1826. Partner with Newel K. Whitney in N. K. Whitney & Co. store at Kirtland, by 1827. Appointed elector, 8 Oct. 1827, in Kirtland. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spring 1831. Ordained an elder by JS, June 1831, in Kirtland. Moved to Independence, Jackson Co., Missouri, 1831, and opened a store. Appointed agent for church, June 1831. Ordained a high priest by JS, 26 Apr. 1832, in Kirtland. Appointed one of seven high priests to preside over church affairs in Missouri, 26 Apr. 1832. Member of United Firm, Apr. 1832. Served mission to eastern U.S., June–Dec. 1832. Arrested, 4 Nov. 1833, and imprisoned for seven days at Independence. Among Latter-day Saints driven from Jackson Co. into Clay Co., Missouri, Nov. 1833. Hosted men of Camp of Israel expedition to Missouri, 1834. Died of cholera near Rush Creek, Clay Co.

