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White, David Nye


22 Aug. 1805–2 Apr. 1888. Newspaper editor and publisher, printer, tax collector, politician. Born at Wareham, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts. Son of Ebenezer White and Abigail Nye. Married Diana Brown, 1828. Created and published Western World, May 1840, in Warsaw, Hancock Co., Illinois; sold newspaper to Thomas Sharp, Nov. 1840. Publisher and printer of Pittsburgh Gazette, beginning Jan. 1841. Visited Nauvoo, Hancock Co., and interviewed JS for Gazette, Aug. 1843. Named as one of the vice presidents of western division of Pennsylvania Railroad, 1851. Elected to common council of first ward of Allegheny, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, 1852. Instrumental in organization of Republican Party in Pittsburgh, 1855–1856. Attended Republican National Convention, May 1860, in Chicago. Elected collector of internal revenue of Twenty-Third District of Pennsylvania, by Dec. 1862. Elected to first board of directors for First National Bank of Allegheny, 1863. Named in original incorporation of Sewickley Library Institute, 1865, in Sewickley, Allegheny Co. Elected as a Republican to represent Allegheny Co. in Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1870–1872. Elected to first water commissioner board, 1872–1873, in Sewickley. Elected as delegate at large for Pennsylvania constitutional convention, 1872–1873. Died in Sewickley.

